Tuesday, 2 September 2014


I hear the wind ring the bells and chimes outside the window. Here, where the sunshine falls on the bordering clouds, is where I'm sitting writing today. 
Did you forget me already? So soon, is it. Or are you actually anticipating, wearing your heart on sleeve. That would be nice to hear once in a while rather than you seeing mine. Isn't it gloomy outside, or was that yesterday. I was still at this window looking down the path leading me out of here, anywhere. 
It mustn't have been really long, has it. Must be though. Changes show otherwise. 

~Its a long winding road,
Winds around me engulf the sound of the chimes.
I seek the path ahead- i think long;
leave me at the shore,
that day, that time..
I'd travel to another land.

That's the dream knit.. in the time being.

It's where I see the sunshine envelope rain and wind banners passing through life.

photo credits: SK.


  1. A really well written article!! Btw who is this SK? :-P

  2. Realities shall remain anonymous.
