Monday, 17 February 2014

Ceramic dolls.

Day 36/40.

Ethically, these aren't days and issues to be included and made a part of one's happy-days. But somethings are better recorded and a word spread out than kept buried within. Days, more often than not, do set into the dark night.

Silence. Withdrawal. Anger. Humiliation. Shame. Retirement.
Emotions overwhelm at sights and expressions. Stories untold, hampering progressions and one pulls out all other.
It's how my blog's always had tales from my days to share and known. So, what do I have today. I have one from the haystack you have been a part of. Surely you are unsatisfied with the country's political situation today. What are you doing about it? Of course, how are you not disturbed about the financial condition of the country. How are we resolving it? Certainly, aren't we deeply upset about the economical setbacks. Who's going about coming to a solution, or even trying? Tell me what you voice out.
Crime against women. 45351 molestation cases. 24923 rape cases. 9173 sexual harassment cases. Reported. 24 percent conviction rate for rape in India. 20 years maximum prison sentence for rape. Step out of the circle of violence. 98 percent of the victims know their attacker.
Disturbing facts? Did you report from your share.
Put this statistic into perspective, any women around you, your mom, your sister, you friend, niece, cousin or even the one right across the couch, one out of three is sexually assaulted or been harassed.
That's all bad.
That's all a fact.

So, my question. How is it that we raise the issue and commit to it.
It's just something I wanted to raise. To readers, to people in general and get an answer along with a panorama widespread. To build upon, when it happened in my vicinity I did what was in my power to put a stop to it. To support further, I had the reinforcement of authority to voice it out as loudly as one could. In hope, in optimism, the ones out there take an example, as I did.

“I wish I could have saved her,” he says now.
~Nirbhaya case.


  1. I am very happy that you have taken up this issue. Its time now to act on it......and very strongly! Its true that 98 percent of the victims know their attacker. So, to start with one needs to be very sure of the company one keeps and socializes. More often than not, its that one person you trust the most who fails you. Keep your family informed of your whereabouts........especially in the company of strangers. There is more to come from me...........

    1. Spread the word, dad. Pass it on. Make it viral.

  2. 45351 molestation cases. 24923 rape cases. 9173 sexual harassment cases. Reported. 24 percent conviction rate for rape in India. 20 years maximum prison sentence for rape. Step out of the circle of violence. 98 percent of the victims know their attacker.

    From where did you get these facts? I am not trying to be critical, just wish to 'use' these facts in one of my personal studies and hence the source is necessary for me to know,

    1. Rahul. All, each word is a fact by itself. Been carefully studied and reflected upon. You can use them. No story-line to this. Flat facts.

    2. ok. thank you!
